Cloud Drive is similar to a folder you carry in your flash drive everywhere, except for the fact that there is no flash drive! You will have access to your most critical data from any device, in a form as if it is on your local drive, and on your IDrive account.
The moment you modify files, the updates sync to the local drive of computers on which Cloud Drive is active and to your cloud account; thus you can instantly access the latest version of your files locally via a web browser, and download them using the mobile apps too!
Cloud Drive storage does not impact your backup storage. It matches your backup storage limits.
Note: IDrive® Cloud Drive does not support collaborative editing and renaming the same file simultaneously from multiple devices.
Sync your files and folders in real time across all the devices that you link using Cloud Drive, and easily access them from anywhere! Although your mobile apps and web account are always in sync, you can choose to link only those computers on which you wish to keep files in sync.
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Collaborate directly on your Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in Cloud Drive. Create new files or edit existing ones, and share them with view-only or edit permissions.
On the Cloud Drive tab of the IDrive desktop app, click 'Open My Cloud Drive folder', to start sync and link the particular computer. Cloud Drive creates a unique local folder on the computer. Add files to this folder to sync them in real time. Whenever you modify files within this folder, the updates reflect on all linked devices and vice-versa.
Go to the menu of the IDrive mobile app, tap 'Cloud Drive'. Use your mobile to add new files to the sync folder. Download and access the files synced from PC, Mac, or via the web. You can also select some synced files for offline access.
Sign in to and go to the 'Cloud Drive' tab. Upload or simply drag-and-drop files to sync them. Also, view, download, and share files synced from elsewhere. Access the recently deleted synced files from Cloud Drive's Trash.
Easily share any number of synced files with anyone you wish via email.
You can share synced files from your computer, mobile device, or via the web with your friends or associates for collaborative access. Once you sign in to, you will find that all the share links are listed in the 'Shared’ tab. You can edit the access rights, and even discontinue sharing them.
A feature of IDrive, which links all of your devices such that the content on all the devices and in your cloud account are always in sync!
Whenever you modify the synced files, the updates are instantly available on all the linked devices and in your IDrive account!
IDrive offers you sync storage space – equivalent to your IDrive plan, to assist you with the extra space needed for keeping your significant files in sync!
Upload files and folders to your Sync folder and access them anytime from any device!
On the Sync tab of your IDrive desktop app, click 'Open My Sync folder' to start sync. Thereafter, simply drag-and-drop files to the Sync folder sync them.
On the Home screen of your mobile app, tap on 'Sync' and then tap on 'Upload' to upload photos, videos, or other files.
Simply sign in to your IDrive account, go to the 'Sync and Cloud Backup' tab, and click the 'Upload Files' or 'Upload Folder' option.
When Sync is active, your mobile devices and your cloud account are linked! However, you can link computers selectively – by choosing Sync status as 'Active' or 'Stopped' from the desktop application.
From the desktop app, click 'Open My Sync folder' to link the particular computer. By default, a Sync folder is created on your computer. Simply drag-and-drop to add files to this folder and sync them in real time!
Even the files synced from elsewhere instantly appear in that folder – until you 'Stop Sync' on the computer!
You can instantly access the latest version of your synced files from any linked device or!
Access the Sync folder on linked computers to view, share, add, delete or modify the synced files. Also, you can share synced files for collaboration!
On the Home screen of IDrive mobile app tap on 'Sync' to view, share, delete, or sync new files to linked devices. You can also select files for offline access!
Sign in to, and from the 'Sync and Cloud Storage' tab – view, download, share, or sync new files with ease! Access the recently deleted sync files from Sync's Trash.
Sync your files in real-time across all linked devices.
Sync frequently used files and access them anywhere!
Backup files from all of your PCs, Macs and even mapped drives into a single account.
Backup contacts, photos, videos from your iOS and Android mobile devices.