Linux Backup via Scripts

Data protection for your Linux machines

Download and install the IDrive Linux Package on your servers and computers. Run commands for scheduling backups, configuring settings and backup sets, and performing backups and restores.

Get started with Linux backup

Download the package
Install the package
Use the package

Download the Package

  1. Download the latest IDrive® for Linux package to your Linux machine.
  2. Open the terminal and navigate to the download path.
  3. Provide executable permission to the downloaded idriveforlinux.bin file:
    $ chmod a+x idriveforlinux.bin
  4. To view usage options, run:
    $ ./idriveforlinux.bin


  1. --install: Install the package
  2. --update: Update the existing installation
  3. --uninstall: Uninstall the package


Install the Package

  1. Run the installation command and follow the instructions: ./idriveforlinux.bin --install
  2. Upon completion, a default backup set is created with your home directory folders, and a daily backup schedule is applied.

  3. Use the Schedule Backup option in the main menu to modify the backup set and adjust the schedule.

Use the Package

  1. Navigate to /opt/IDriveForLinux/bin and run:
    ./idrive main_menu
  2. Select a menu option to perform operations like backup, local backup, restore, local restore, schedules, setting, viewing log files, and more.